About the Author

Thank you Lisa Peters for having me on “Talk of the Town” which airs on Access TV. I’m ecstatic that I’m considered one of her favorite authors! My interview can be viewed on her website LisaPeters.ca
Thank you Post Media for featuring me and the third novel of my trilogy in “Read My Book” in your QC and Bridges editions.
The complete Xeno Manifesto trilogy now available worldwide. Be prepared to be enlightened about the world you live in.  “Here it is, the complete story, the slap in your face reality of it all. I’ve done my part by telling my tale, it’s up to you to decide where we go from here.” Brysen Mann
My story will reach out to you from dark depths and take hold. You will not be the same and you’ll ask…can this possibly be true? The Xeno Manifesto trilogy.
“My grandpa use to say, Don’t confuse courtesy with weakness, it’ll only get you pain.” Frank Smirnov, protagonist/The Xeno Manifesto trilogy.
“My grandpa use to say, Puppies shouldn’t play with the big dogs unless they’re looking to get hurt.” Frank Smirnov, protagonist/The Xeno Manifesto trilogy.
On “Talk of the Town” with Lisa Peters on April 3rd, 2019, promoting The Xeno Manifesto – Reclamation. www.lisapeters.ca
It’s in the air, I can feel it like a subtle wave of electricity. The countdown has begun…Redemption, it’s coming.
I’m an imperfect man with many dues yet to be paid. My intent, my story, isn’t about giving you a perfect tale…my narrative is meant to be a warning.
People want to know who I am, what I’m all about. I explain, I’m simply a man with a story to tell…take that for what it’s worth.
“Read My Book” Author feature courtesy of Post Media – The Regina Leader Post/QC and The Star Phoenix/Bridges
Watch the full author interview from Lit Happens by clicking on this link   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apNuQsnHyOw
www.Issu.com – Vol 3, Iss 4
“Read My Book” article courtesy of Post Media, Regina/Saskatoon